
The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics


The second law of thermodynamics is NOT a universal law, because it has exceptions. The second law doesn’t apply and doesn’t exist at the quantum level among the quantum fields, the conserved quanta, the tachyons, the quantum waves, the quanta, and the photons. The seconds law ONLY applies to the spacetime dimension and entropic physical atoms.

The second law of thermodynamics is tardyonic, entropic, and stuck within the Light Cone where it can’t get out. In contrast, the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics explains what happens to entropy, mass, gravity, thermodynamics, and “resistance to acceleration” outside of the Light Cone in the quantum realms or the transdimensional realms.



Think about it logically, because some of us quantum theorists have done so.

If entropy actually existed at the quantum level in the spirit world or the transdimensional realms, then physical atoms would eventually run down and stop working. If entropy existed at the quantum level, then the physical atoms would have already collapsed and died long ago and ceased to exist. It’s the entropyless conservation of energy or the entropyless conservation of motion at the quantum level that keeps a physical atom alive or in existence.




The electrons keep circling and the atomic orbital shell is maintained because there is NO entropy at the quantum level. This is the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics. It tells us that there is NO entropy, NO heat, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO thermodynamics at absolute zero in the quantum realm. It tells us that this perpetual motion cycle at the quantum level among the quantum fields is eternal and everlasting because it is conserved and because it has NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration anywhere within it.


This is one of the Truths in Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are trying to hide from us.


Absolute zero temperature is steroids or maximum efficiency at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or hyperdimensional realms or tachyonic realms. Think of superconductors for a visible or a physical example of this scientific truth in action. The closer you get to absolute zero, the better superconductors perform because the entropy or “resistance to acceleration” goes away or goes towards absolute zero.

Remember, the second law of thermodynamics, mass, heat, and entropy are purely physical spacetime phenomena. They are stuck or trapped within the Light Cone. They don’t exist in the infinite realm, the quantum realm, the non-physical realm, the supernatural realm, the hyperdimensional realm, the tachyonic realm, or the realm of Pure Energy. There is NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration within the quantum fields, photons, particles of spirit matter, and conserved quanta. This is what we have actually experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is also the Quantum Law of Gravity because they are the same mass-based system! Gravity is a physical phenomenon. It doesn’t really apply at the quantum level where everything is infinite! Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have repeatedly observed that there is NO gravity or NO resistance to acceleration in the quantum realm or the spirit world. In the transdimensional realms, they can levitate and fly at will, if they want to. Remember, gravity goes to zero whenever mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration goes to zero! This is the Quantum Law of Gravity!


The formula for gravity is F = G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2), where F is the force of attraction between the two bodies, G is the universal gravitational constant, m sub 1 is the mass of the first object, m sub 2 is the mass of the second object and r is the distance between the centers of each object. NO mass, then NO gravity. It’s that simple. There is NO mass or NO resistance to acceleration at the quantum level, which means that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or the quantum realms. Gravity is stuck within the Light Cone! The Quantum Law of Gravity tells us that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the quantum realms or the spirit world.

Some of the quantum theorists have hypothesized that there is ONLY ONE electron in this whole physical universe. It is moving at an infinite velocity phasing in and out of this physical spacetime realm so fast that it’s generating this whole physical universe simultaneously. If true, that is a lot of faith, trust, intelligence, and knowledge that has been placed into ONE single electron. Of course, such a thing is physically impossible according to classical physics, materialism, naturalism, nihilism, or atheism; but it is totally possible according to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory and tachyons.



In contrast, because the quarks within physical atoms have been deliberately localized into spacetime, there’s obviously more than one of them. However, according to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, because an electron is moving at an infinite velocity phasing in and out so fast that it generates a solid shell around the nucleus of a physical atom, it’s theoretically possible that there is only ONE electron in this entire physical universe. That’s fascinating Science – and it doesn’t exist according to the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, atheists, and the second law of thermodynamics.

If there is only ONE electron in this entire entropic physical universe, then that reality would represent an infinite amount of memory storage capacity or an infinite amount of conserved quantum information at the quantum level within that SINGLE electron. That single electron would have to remember what everything is and where everything is at the physical level in order to maintain the existence of this physical universe. Such a thing would be a God!

If there is more than one electron, then it is obvious that they are all operating off the same quantum blueprint or the same set of conserved quantum information. The Conserved Quantum or Quantized Psyche containing all of that conserved quantum information would be a God!

Think about it logically. Entropy, or resistance to acceleration, or the second law of thermodynamics ONLY applies at the physical spacetime level of our existence. It can’t exist at the quantum level of our existence. If entropy or resistance to acceleration existed at the quantum level, then this whole physical universe would collapse into an infinite singularity and cease to exist; and it would have already happened long ago.


Finally, I found it interesting to note that the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity are basically the same law with the same results because thermodynamics and gravity are both mass-based systems that don’t exist at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or the spirit world.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity have an infinite amount of scientific explanatory power; whereas the second law of thermodynamics does not because the second law is stuck within the Light Cone and can’t get out.

Mark My Words

The Grand Secret



Tachyons are particles of energy.  WE KNOW from a Light Cone Chart, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and Common Sense that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy.  This scientific claim is obviously true.


Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  Tachyons cannot END!  Tachyons are the source!  Tachyonic is synonymous with omnipotence!  Tachyons are the conservation of energy; and the first law of thermodynamics is tachyonic.  “All-Seeing”, or “Omnipotent”, or “God-like” is the best definition for tachyons and the tachyonic.  That’s a bit better than to simply say that tachyons can travel faster than light, which they can do; but tachyons can do more than quantum tunnel or travel faster than light.  Tachyons are “all-inclusive”!  Tachyons made everything!  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic or omnipotent.  The quantum fields are tachyons!  A tachyon or quantum mechanics is “all-powerful” or “omnipotent”, because it can turn on and turn off luxons and tardyons at will!


Remember, tachyons can start and end luxons and tardyons at will.  Tachyons can start and end mass, entropy, gravity, and resistance to acceleration at will.  That’s the very definition of “omnipotence”!  The Gods, if they exist, are going to be tachyonic, all-seeing, or omnipotent just like tachyons!

Energy consists of tachyons.  Energy is alive because energy cannot die.  Energy is life force.  Energy is conscious, intelligent, perceptive, sentient, thoughtful, and alive.  Tachyons exist as energy.  Energy is tachyonic!  The quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic; and every scientist should know that everything in this universe is made from the quantum fields.  Everything is made from tachyons or energy.

As scientists and physicists, we call particles of energy “matter”.  This means that particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  It’s the same stuff, and the whole thing is tachyonic!  And we all should KNOW that particles of energy exist.  Particles of energy or particles of spirit matter are tachyons and act tachyonic.  This is obviously true.  Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter.  This is the Grand Secret.  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter make everything from themselves.  Tachyons are the Builders and the building blocks.

Tachyons are quantum mechanics.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Spirit matter consists of tachyons.  Tachyons are the conservation of energy.  Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches are tachyons.  Tachyons fill the immensity of space and are in all things and through all things.  Tachyons are the power by which everything was made that was made.  Tachyons are Designers, Creators, and Gods.  Tachyons are God-like particles of energy, psyches, or intelligences.  Tachyons are hyperdimensional energy beings.  Therefore, they have no physical limitations!

Everything in this universe is made from psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy that we call tachyons.  Everything!  This is the Grand Secret that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years – because these people deny the existence of tachyons and the tachyonic.  Everything in this universe is made from the things that the atheists claim, “do not exist”.  The atheists are adamant that psyches or tachyons don’t exist.

However, WE KNOW that tachyons exist, because the quantum fields exist; and the quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic.  The quantum fields are comprised of tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy who have NO physical limitations or are tachyonic!  This is really simple to understand; and it’s obviously true.  Energy is made from tachyons; and energy is tachyonic in its native original FORM.  Tachyons are particles of energy; and particles of energy are made from tachyons.  This is the Grand Secret.  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons.  Tachyons make everything from themselves!  This is obviously true.  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic!

In contrast, the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are constantly trying to convince us that tachyons or psyches do not exist.  Well, I KNOW that tachyons exist, because tachyons, psyches, and intelligences are particles of energy; and particles of energy obviously exist.


I choose to go with what has been repeatedly experienced and observed and verified, rather than pleasing the atheists by trying to convince you that none of this stuff exists!  As I see it, there’s no further need to try to please the atheists, because the atheists are clearly wrong!  Materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, and even atheism have been falsified by Science – which is by definition observational evidence, or experiential evidence, or scientific evidence.  Physicalism, naturalism, atomism, and their derivatives are falsified by the proven and verified existence of massless, entropyless, non-physical photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields.

The way the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists do “science” is that they start by concluding that something doesn’t exist.  Then they hide, delete, deny, or destroy any observational evidence that proves that they are wrong.  The way I do Science is that I start with something that we KNOW exists, such as energy; and, then I try to find or create scientific terms that explain what we are observing or experiencing.  The problem with the atheists is that they have concluded that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light; and since tachyons and the quantum fields can travel faster than the speed-of-light, the atheists erroneously conclude that they don’t exist.  That’s not “science”!  That’s blind faith, sophistry, and dogma.  Sophistry is a philosophical attempt to convince you that a lie is true.



The atheists take a blind leap of faith into nothing!  The blind faith atheists or the flat earth atheists deny the existence of anything and everything that falsifies their beliefs.

There’s an extremely important lesson to be learned here, and it’s not just that everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy.  It is extremely important to pay careful and special attention anytime that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, or atheists claim that something doesn’t exist, because the probability is high that they are wrong.  These people have a talent for identifying the truth and then rejecting it or denying its existence.  Whenever these people have made the claim that something doesn’t exist, I can’t think of a single case where they are in fact demonstrably right.  Instead, ALL of the evidence that we have on hand proves that they are wrong!  These people deliberately reject the truth.  Truth can’t be found by rejecting it or by denying its existence!

Their atheistic claim that tachyons or psyches don’t exist is demonstrably false.  Their materialistic claim that the non-physical or the intangible does not exist is demonstrably false.  Their naturalistic claim that particles of spirit matter or particles of energy do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their materialistic claim that massless, entropyless, non-physical photons or luxons do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their naturalistic claim that the supernatural or the quantum mechanical does not exist is demonstrably false.  Their atheistic claim that chance can design and create anything, if given enough time to do so, is demonstrably and obviously false!  Their nihilistic claim that eternal life or the quantum fields don’t exist is demonstrably false.  Their atheistic claim that intelligence and choice do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their nihilistic claim that the afterlife doesn’t exist is demonstrably false.  Even their atheistic claim that God doesn’t exist is demonstrably false.

Their ongoing denials are easily falsified with observational evidence, experiential evidence, or scientific evidence.  I have observed that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are always wrong when it comes to science, observations, predictions, and the things that matter most.  I learned five years ago in 2015 that if there is something that the atheists don’t want you looking at or learning, then that’s precisely what you should be studying, researching, and learning.  The atheists don’t want you taking tachyons or psyches or intelligences seriously, which means that that is precisely what you should be taking seriously and trying to find a scientific explanation for.  As scientists, we want the truth – not their sophistry, deceptions, and lies.

Everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons are particles of energy.  Particles of energy obviously exist; therefore, let’s find some scientific terms to explain the different FORMS of energy that have been experienced and observed.  According to any decent Light Cone Chart, particles of energy come in three major FORMS – tardyons, luxons, and tachyons.  Tardyons or entropic physical atoms are locked in spacetime or localized in spacetime at speeds or velocities slower than the speed-of-light.  While luxons or traveling quanta or photons exist, they travel at the speed-of-light.  Tardyons and luxons are NOT conserved.  They begin, and they can end.  It’s a Light Cone, and NOT a light parabola.  The timeline in the cone begins and ends!  In truth, it is a time-segment and not a timeline!  Time ENDS!

By definition, a tachyon is anything that is quantum tunneling or traveling faster than the speed-of-light.  Tachyonic means omnipotence, because tachyons are omnipotent and can do anything that they want!  I also define a tachyon as anything that is conserved, eternal, and everlasting – such as “energy” or “light”.  Eternity or infinity is tachyonic!  Tachyons are unlimited and infinite.  Particles of energy in their native original FORM are in fact tachyons, because energy is conserved, syntropic, omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, and everlasting.  Notice how I find a scientific term for everything that we have experienced or observed, rather than denying the existence of these things as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.

Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, and the atheists assure us that tachyons, psyches, or intelligences do not exist.  The atheists are always wrong, when it comes to Science and the things that they deny the existence of that have been observed.  Particles of energy are tachyonic tachyons; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist, even though the atheists claim that they don’t exist.

By 2019, the scientists went on PBS and announced that quantum tunneling, or faster-than-light quantum entanglement, has become proven and verified Science.  This means that scientists have proven that tachyons exist.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Everything happens among the quantum fields instantaneously, which is what keeps electrons, photons, and protons in existence in the first place.  If everything didn’t happen instantaneously or continuously among the quantum fields, then electrons and protons would blink in and out of existence and soon disintegrate.  Electrons and protons and photons exhibit tachyonic properties, because they always KNOW where they are and what they are doing.  They are continuously alive or exist continuously.  That’s tachyonic!  Photons, quantum waves, and the quantum fields have NO physical limitations!  That’s tachyonic!  The quantum fields are tachyons!

The atheists are trying to convince us that the quantum fields don’t exist.  Well, WE KNOW that they exist and that they are tachyonic!  Particles of energy were tachyonic in their native original FORM, before the first luxons and tardyons were designed and made.

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, luxon, or tachyon.  Now, here’s the Grand Secret.  Luxons, or photons, or quantum waves are made from tachyons or particles of energy who have chosen to limit their velocity to the speed-of-light.  Tardyons or entropic physical atoms are made from tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta who have chosen to impose mass, entropy, spacetime, or resistance to acceleration onto themselves!  In other words, tardyons or entropic physical atoms are made from tachyonic quanta who have chosen to localize themselves in spacetime.  Tachyons can travel at any speed they desire, because tachyons can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons whenever they desire to do so.  This is really simple to understand.  The truth always is.  It’s right there on the Light Cone Chart for the whole world to see.  You can’t miss it, unless you are trying to miss it!  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy!



Particles of energy, in their native original form, are tachyons and tachyonic.  Quantum mechanics or energy mechanics in inherently tachyonic.  The quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic.  Everything is made from psyches, intelligences, tachyons, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy by Tachyonic Quanta, Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Everything!  The tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences make everything from themselves.  The tachyons make everything from particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  This is the Grand Secret!  This is the Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us or trying to destroy for thousands of years.

Tachyons are particles of energy.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons are omnipotent and God-like.  The Gods are tachyonic.  The Gods are tachyons.  Everything in this universe is made from the Gods by the Gods.  This Grand Secret is scientific proof of God’s existence.  Everything in this universe testifies of God’s existence.

In order to become a God, you would have to get ALL of the conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta in the universe to support you, and sustain you, and follow your commands!  This means that you would have to convince everyone in the universe to make you a God.  If you can do that, then you are a God.

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.

According to quantum mechanics and any decent Light Cone Chart, tachyons or psyches or intelligences can “turn on” and “turn off” mass, entropy, and gravity at will whenever they choose to do so.  This is the Grand Secret that our atheistic scientists have been trying to hide from us.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons whenever they want to.  In other words, everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons!  Since tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will, tachyons can travel at any speed that they desire.  Tachyons or particles of energy can even choose to stop traveling and stay localized in spacetime if they so desire.  This is the Grand Secret that everyone is trying to hide from us by trying to convince us that tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences do not exist.

Remember, tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter can “turn on” and “turn off” their visibility, mass, entropy, or gravity at will whenever they want.  While in their luxonic and tachyonic FORMS, particles of energy have NO mass, NO entropy, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration!  These scientific observations and scientific truths produce the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity.



Psyches, intelligences, tachyons, or particles of energy have to transform themselves into tardyons or particles of entropic physical matter in order to “turn on” their mass, resistance to acceleration, entropy, and gravity!  This means that there is NO mass, NO entropy, NO thermodynamics, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration within the quantum realms, tachyonic realms, hyperdimensional realms, spirit realms, heavenly realms, conserved realms, syntropic realms, or energy realms while psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are IN their luxonic or tachyonic FORM.  This is obviously true, because this is precisely what we have experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified!  Therefore, WE KNOW that it is true!

This Grand Secret – the idea that everything is made from tachyons by tachyons – is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.  Instantly, I could explain what everything is and how it works!  Instantly, I knew for a fact that tachyons do exist!  Psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, and particles of spirit matter are tachyons.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Everything within the quantum fields happens instantly at an infinite velocity, because the quantum fields are one united organism, because the quantum fields are tachyons, and because the quantum fields are hyperdimensional energy beings who have NO physical limitations.

Tachyons are God-like.  The Gods are tachyons.  Tachyons made everything from themselves.  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy!  This Grand Secret explains in scientific terms everything that has ever been experienced or observed.  This knowledge or truth provides us with a complete reconciliation of Science and Religion.  This Grand Secret tells us that Science and Religion are the same thing in the end.  Truth will always be true, no matter where it is found!

This Grand and Glorious Secret has been sitting there for all eternity just waiting for someone to discover it.  The Grand Secret is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.  The Grand Secret completely reconciles Science and Religion.  The Grand Secret tells us that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons or the Gods.  In contrast, the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are constantly trying to convince us that tachyons don’t exist, because the verified and proven existence of massless, entropyless, non-physical tachyons or particles of energy FALSIFIES their belief system.

All that I had to do to discover the Grand Secret was to be willing to give up my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism.  It was a fair trade that was sixty years in the making!  Now you know my secret.

I wanted to explain in scientific terms everything that has ever been experienced or observed.  Now I have done so.  Good enough!  There are ONLY three possibilities.  According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.

This is the Grand Secret!  Everything is a tachyon or a particle of energy; but some of those tachyons have chosen to act like luxons, and some of those tachyons have chosen to act like tardyons.  That’s the Grand Secret behind it all.  Everything is a tachyon, a psyche, an intelligence, a particle of energy, or a particle of spirit matter; but some of those tachyons have chosen to act like luxons, and some of those tachyons have chosen to act like tardyons.

Tachyons are the conservation of energy.  Tachyons are the conservation of life force.  Tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta are the conservation of quantum information.  Tachyons or quantized psyches are the conservation of quantum memories.  Tachyons or particles of energy are syntropic and conserved.  Conserved quanta or conserving quanta are tachyons.  Psyches or intelligences are tachyons.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  ALL of these things are tachyons because they are syntropic and conserved!  ALL of these are tachyons because they contain, process, and store conserved quantum information!

Here we have some of the main Truths in Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are trying to hide from us!


To become a God, you would have to get ALL of the conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta in the universe to support you, and sustain you, and conserve you as a God!  Who made God?  The conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta made God; and these are the people who keep Him in existence as a God!  Your human psyche or your conserved quantum is one of the tachyons who chose to make Him your God.  This is the Grand Secret that our atheistic scientists and naturalists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years!  God is God because you chose to make Him your God.

I love this Science due to its massively huge scientific explanatory power.  It’s infinitely better than the atheistic and naturalistic claim that NONE of this stuff exists!  Ask yourself which model of reality has the most scientific explanatory power – the Ultimate Model of Reality that explains what conserved quanta are and how they work, or the atheistic model or paradigm which tells us that tachyons and conserved quanta don’t exist.

According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, luxon, or tachyon.  Luxons and tardyons are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is not conserved!  ONLY their tachyonic core is conserved.  Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  Energy is tachyonic!  Energy is conserved.  Tachyonic means “syntropic” or “conserved”!  Tachyons are typically defined as something that can travel faster than the speed-of-light, or quantum tunnel, if it chooses to do so.  Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  They can do anything they want.  They can stand still, or they can quantum tunnel.  Tachyons are intelligent and alive.  Tachyons are psyches or intelligences.  Tachyons are God-like.  Tachyons are particles of energy.

Tachyonic means “syntropic” or “conserved”.  Tachyonic means “eternal”, “infinite”, and “everlasting.”  Energy is tachyonic.  Tachyonic also means “quantum mechanical” or “hyperdimensional”.  Tachyonic means “omnipotent” and “omnipresent”.  Tachyonic means “versatile”, “unrestricted”, or “unlimited”.  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic.  Tachyonic means “God-like”.  Tachyonic is synonymous with choice, because tachyons or psyches can choose to be whatever they want to be.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will.  Tachyons, psyches, or intelligences can start and end tardyons and luxons at will.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Tachyons are energy.  The quantum fields are tachyons!


This is the Grand Secret.  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  The mass shell, or mass shell condition, is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Quantum waves are made from tachyons and then collapsed by tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences.  Luxons and tardyons are started and ended by tachyons!  Everything has tachyons within it.  A Tachyonic Quantum, a Conserved Quantum, or a Quantized Psyche can transform itself into a luxon or a tardyon at will.  In other words, a Tachyonic Quantum, a Conserved Quantum, or a Quantized Psyche can turn on and turn off its mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration at will.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy really are God-like, whether we know it or not.


Mass, entropy, gravity, and resistance to acceleration are “turned on” and “turned off” by tachyons, psyches, or intelligences at will.  There’s nothing we can do with a physical instrument to capture or control a tachyon!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta could disassemble the physical atoms in your body anytime they choose to do so, and there is nothing you could do to stop them.  Your physical body exists, because they choose for it to exist.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons, including entropic physical atoms and your physical body.

And there you have it – the answer to life, the universe, and everything!  It only took me 60 years to produce it, rather than 7.5 million years.  But it’s a lot better than 42, because it’s demonstrably true.

Mark My Words




Introducing the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics

You will never see the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics in our public universities, because it falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which are Creation by Chance. It doesn’t matter that the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is demonstrable or true. It doesn’t matter that the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is based upon Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and E = mc2. It doesn’t matter that the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is based upon observational evidence and eyewitness experiences. The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics will automatically be rejected, vilified, and ignored because it contradicts and falsifies the materialistic, naturalistic, and atheistic paradigm. They don’t allow anything into our public schools that successfully falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Scientism, and Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo. They don’t allow anything into our public schools that falsifies Creation by Chance.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics states the obvious and verified truth that there is no mass, no heat, no resistance to acceleration, no heat storage capacity, no entropy, and NO THERMODYNAMICS at the quantum level among the Quantum Fields that are currently being conserved or sustained by Nature’s Intelligence or by Nature’s Psyche. There is NO second law of thermodynamics at the quantum level in the Quantum Realm, the Spirit World, or the Non-Physical Transdimensional Realm. Entropy or mass’s heat storage capacity is purely a physical phenomenon.

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Entropy Defined


Entropy is mass or resistance to acceleration.

This is possibly the most interesting definition for entropy. It’s based upon the “heat transfer” definition of entropy, and it concerns the definition for heat and the equations for entropy that are based upon heat. I’ve never seen this definition for entropy before, so I’m the one who discovered it or created it. It’s there in the equation for heat, and therefore in the equations for entropy that are based upon heat.

The mass-based definition for entropy is derived from the heat-based definitions for entropy, starting with the following unique equation and definition for entropy.

S = ΔQ

Entropy (S) is an exchange of heat (ΔQ) from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir. No physical reservoirs, then NO exchange of heat and therefore NO entropy.

However, for a complete proof of this mass-based definition for entropy, we need to use the complete equations for heat (Q) and entropy (S).

Q = mcΔT

S = Q/ΔT

S = mcΔT/ΔT

S = mc

c = the specific heat capacity of the mass under consideration

M = mc

Entropy (S) equals mass (M), particularly the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).

S = Q = M

In the heat (Q) equation, (c) is the specificity of heat constant for a given material. This specific heat constant is basically the amount of heat that a specific type of mass can hold. Regardless of what happens to the temperature (ΔT), entropy (S) equals heat (Q) which basically equals mass (M) or resistance to acceleration. More specifically, we are talking about the heat storage capacity of the mass (mc). This is a more conservative definition for entropy. In fact, it’s a demonstrably true definition for entropy. It has actually been experienced and observed.

What makes this definition for entropy interesting is the fact that NO mass means NO entropy. No mass (m = 0), then no heat (Q = 0). Whenever heat is zero (Q = 0), then entropy is equal to zero (S = 0). Consequently, according to the equations for entropy and heat, whenever the mass is zero, then the entropy is also zero.

M = 0 = Q = S

When mass or resistance to acceleration equals zero, heat equals zero, which means that entropy has gone to zero.

In other words, massless particles like photons and quantum waves have NO entropy according to this definition for entropy. Likewise, the infinite, absolute-zero temperature, massless quantum fields have NO entropy because they have no mass or resistance to acceleration. No mass or resistance to acceleration, then no friction or heat, which means NO entropy.

Remove the mass from a system, and that system’s entropy goes to zero! As mass goes to zero, heat goes to zero, which means that entropy goes to zero. The way we remove entropy from a system is to remove its mass or resistance to acceleration. That’s something that Nature or Nature’s Psyche can do at will, according to the photon and the quantum wave. Nature or Nature’s Psyche is creating or instantiating massless particles all the time; and, they have no entropy because they have no mass or no resistance to acceleration.

A miniature Big Bang happens every time a photon chooses to stop and enter into our mass-based physical realm. That photon goes from zero mass and zero heat to a complete stop, which then produces heat, mass, and entropy as a result of its deceleration, or resistance to acceleration, or transition into our physical realm.

If mass equals zero (m = 0), then heat equals zero (Q = 0), which means that the amount of entropy has gone to zero (S = 0). This is scientific and mathematical proof that massless non-physical objects such as photons, quantum waves (thoughts), quantum fields, and psyches have NO entropy, which means that their energies are eternal, everlasting, and always conserved. A photon is scientific proof that Nature or Nature’s Psyche can convert massless and heatless energy into mass and heat anytime that it chooses to do so. The truth has always been there, but we have been too stubborn to see it because we don’t want it to be true.

The process is reversible. Whenever a particle goes massless or non-physical, it loses ALL of its entropy, and that entropy ceases to exist.

This is an extremely powerful definition for entropy because of all the different truths that it reveals to us. Massless particles have no entropy and can have no entropy because they have no mass or resistance to acceleration.

My discovery, that the massless or the non-physical FALSIFIES the second law of thermodynamics, may just be the greatest scientific discovery of all time; and there it is, plain as day, within the equations for heat and entropy. No mass, then no entropy. The reason that nobody has ever discovered it before now is because nobody has been willing to look at physics from a non-physical quantum perspective before I came along and started doing so.

Entropy Is Mass or Resistance to Acceleration


This is by far the most useful, most powerful, most truthful, and most interesting definition for entropy that I have encountered so far, because it takes into consideration everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

The second law of thermodynamics is based upon an exclusion of evidence. Everything massless and non-physical is excluded from consideration where the second law of thermodynamics is concerned, which is why it is easily falsified by the massless or the non-physical. Deliberate exclusion of evidence is a logic fallacy. The second law of thermodynamics is based upon a logic fallacy because it excludes evidence.

Furthermore, the second law of thermodynamics is based upon the affirming the consequent or the jumping to conclusions logic fallacy. They pick the conclusion that they want in advance, and then they deliberately exclude any evidence that falsifies it. Anytime they encounter entropy decreasing to zero and ceasing to exist, they label it as invalid and toss it out. They ONLY affirm or acknowledge the instances and the evidence where entropy is increasing. Anytime entropy goes to zero and ceases to exist, as it does within any particle that becomes massless, then they call that evidence and situation invalid; and, they toss it out and pretend that it doesn’t exist, so that the second law of thermodynamics can seem to remain true.

If you want the truth, it is important to allow ALL of the evidence into evidence – and that includes ALL of the times when entropy and mass have gone to zero and ceased to exist!

When mass or resistance to acceleration goes to zero, the amount of entropy goes to zero.

I’m very excited about this particular definition for entropy. I’ve been searching for it for fifty years. The world has been searching for it for millennia. It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed. I finally KNOW what entropy is; and now, we have complete scientific, mathematical, and observational proof that this particular definition for entropy is valid, verified, and true.

Deriving the Mass-Based Definition for Entropy


Let’s examine the heat-based equation for entropy, and then use it to derive the mass-based definition for entropy.

S = Q/ΔT

Entropy (S) equals heat (Q) divided by a change in temperature (ΔT).

Q = mc ΔT

Heat (Q) equals mass (m) times that mass’s heat storage capacity (c) times the change in temperature (ΔT).

S = mcΔT/ΔT

Solving for entropy in terms of the heat storage capacity of the mass.

S = mc

Obviously, by definition, a massless photon has zero mass (m = 0), which means that it has no heat (Q = 0) and no entropy (S = 0). Since a massless particle of any kind has zero heat (Q = 0), that means that its temperature in Kelvin is equal to zero (T = 0), and its change in temperature is also equal to zero (ΔT = 0). In other words, it’s at thermal equilibrium. Therefore, anything at thermal equilibrium (ΔT = 0) has NO entropy, because it’s unable to produce and store any heat or entropy. We get this additional amazing truth from the equation for heat (Q = mcΔT).

Entropy becomes a fleeting thing, because it ONLY exists in the presence of mass and heat. No mass, then no entropy. No heat, then no entropy. No change in temperature, then no entropy. In fact, we quickly observe that entropy is constantly decreasing, going to zero, and ceasing to exist – which is the exact opposite of what the second law of thermodynamics claims.

In this equation for heat (Q = mcΔT), (c) is the specific heat value constant. Solving the equation for c when everything else has gone to zero, I suspect that when mass equals zero, and temperature is equal to zero, and heat is equal to zero, then the specific heat value of a photon or massless particle of any kind is also equal to zero (c = 0). In other words, a photon has NO heat storage capacity because it has NO mass or resistance to acceleration.

So, once again, we make a fascinating scientific discovery simply by choosing to look at science and entropy from a massless, non-physical, quantum perspective. We discover that the specific heat value for massless particles and photons is equal to zero (m = 0 = c). Massless particles have NO capacity for storing heat! It requires mass to store heat. No heat, then no entropy. No mass then no entropy.

A massless photon has NO entropy; and, when it reaches its chosen destination and encounters some mass or physical matter, it stops, and it converts its energy into heat. This is precisely what we experience and observe! This is sunshine in action! This is proven and verified science. A massless photon has NO entropy, NO mass, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO heat until it encounters physical matter; whereupon, it stops and converts itself into heat, mass, and entropy. Here is the scientific explanation for sunlight! Sunlight has NO entropy. Photons have no entropy. Cold, absolute-zero temperature, massless Photons convert into mass and heat when they stop moving or reach their chosen destination. This is how everything really works. It’s hidden in plain sight where nobody can see it because they aren’t looking for it.

A traveling photon is massless syntropy or massless “no-entropy”, and it literally converts itself into heat, mass, resistance to acceleration, and entropy when it chooses to stop moving. There is the explanation for how the Big Bang was done. If the Big Bang really happened, it was a deliberate quantum transformation of massless syntropy, or conserved energy, or photons, or absolute-zero temperature light INTO heat, mass, resistance to acceleration, and entropy. Nature or Nature’s Psyche is doing that ALL the time, not just during the Big Bang. Nature’s Psyche is constantly converting massless photons into mass, heat, and entropy all the time; and, Nature’s Psyche can reverse the process as well, at will.

According to this definition for entropy, a massless photon has NO ENTROPY because it has no mass or no resistance to acceleration. Anytime the mass or resistance to acceleration is removed from a system, ALL of the entropy is removed from the system. NO mass or resistance to acceleration, then NO heat. No heat, then NO entropy. It’s really simple to understand. The truth always is.

This is the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics which states “no mass then no entropy”. If there is no mass, then there can be NO heat or resistance to acceleration or friction, which means that there can be NO entropy. No mass and no heat mean no thermodynamics, which means NO second law of thermodynamics and NO entropy in the Non-Local, Non-Physical, Massless Quantum Realm, or Spirit World.

I think the “entropy equals mass” definition for entropy is the most interesting definition for entropy because of what it means at the quantum level, or the massless level, or the non-physical level. This definition for entropy gives us the quantum perspective on entropy; and, it ends up being the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics which states that there is no mass, no heat, no heat transfer, and therefore NO entropy at the quantum level in the Massless Realm, the Non-Local Realm, the Transdimensional Realm, the Non-Physical Realm, the Absolute-Zero Realm, the Syntropic Realm, the Conserved Realm, or the Quantum Realm.

Massless (m = 0) means NO entropy (m = 0 = Q = S); and, this ends up being the quantum definition for entropy. There is no resistance to acceleration at the quantum level in the massless Quantum Realm, which means that there is NO entropy at the quantum level in the Syntropic Realm.

Entropy is mass or resistance to acceleration. Entropy is the heat storage capacity of mass.

This is the best definition for entropy because it allows ALL of the evidence into evidence; and consequently, it successfully explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed. This is the best definition for entropy, because it’s really simple to understand. No mass, then no entropy. Simple. Logical. Obvious. True.

This definition for entropy has already been verified and proven true.

I like this definition for entropy because it reveals the truth to us that there is no entropy and can be no entropy in the Massless Realm or Non-Physical Realm among the quantum fields. This definition for entropy ends up producing the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics which states that there is no mass, no heat, no heat transfer, no thermodynamics, and therefore no entropy in the Massless Realm or the Syntropic Realm or the Conserved Realm or the Quantum Realm. This might in fact be my greatest scientific discovery of all time. I’ve been studying entropy for fifty years trying to figure out what it is, and this is the culmination of all my effort and research. I figured out what happens to entropy when it goes massless, or goes quantum and non-physical. It ceases to exist. It falsifies the second law of thermodynamics. It makes the Big Bang a realistic possibility. It makes the creation of stars and galaxies by Nature’s Psyche – from absolute-zero temperature, non-local, non-physical energies and quantum fields – the best explanation for how the creation was actually done.

By studying Syntropy, the Conservation of Energy and Psyche, and the different equations for heat and entropy, I was finally able to MAP entropy or mass onto the quantum realm from whence it originally came. Heat, and mass, and entropy don’t exist at the quantum level; and, they are made to exist at the physical level by Nature or Nature’s Psyche, whenever Nature’s Psyche decides to make them, according to the Big Bang Theory. Nature or Nature’s Psyche can make mass, heat, and physical matter out of absolute-zero temperature quantum fields and energies, anytime Nature’s Psyche chooses to do so; and, there’s nothing we can do to stop it or to make it happen. It’s completely out of our control, and totally in the control of Nature or Nature’s Psyche.

The Law of Psyche states that every psyche or intelligence has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control; and, that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be anytime that it chooses to do so – including mass, heat, or physical matter.

This reality and truth explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

The Law of Psyche combined with the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics even provide a realistic and logical mechanism for the creation of stars and galaxies out in the absolute-zero temperatures of spacetime, among the expanding clouds of hydrogen and helium gas. It provides a mechanism for the Big Bang too, if that’s the way that the Gods chose to do it.


The account of our earth’s construction, at the preceding link, provides a different version of the organization of our earth; and, it actually becomes a realistic possibility once we know about and accept the Law of Psyche and the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics. Nature, Nature’s Psyche, and the Gods can make heat, mass, and physical matter from massless dark energy or massless quantum fields anytime they choose to do so; and, there’s nothing we can do to stop them.

Entropy is mass or resistance to acceleration. This is the best definition for entropy that I have found so far. It’s already been proven true by science, observations, logical common-sense, and math. It’s been there all the way along waiting for someone to find it; and, the only reason nobody has found it until now is because they have chosen to believe in the second law of thermodynamics instead.

This definition for entropy falsifies the second law of thermodynamics and supports the Big Bang Theory instead. The Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists aren’t going to like that because this definition for entropy falsifies their beliefs that entropy, heat death, and death are conserved. In this definition for entropy, all of the associated entropy ceases to exist whenever a particle goes massless or non-physical. The energy is actually used or transformed to make the particle massless and non-physical.

This is not going to sit well with the Materialists and Naturalists and Darwinists, because these people preach, teach, and believe that the non-physical or the massless does not exist. This definition for entropy falsifies their beliefs and proves them wrong.

Mark My Words


The book where these ideas were first derived and presented:

Author’s Amazon Page


Quantum Information Is Conserved

The LAW of Quantum Information Conservation

Quantum information is conserved because there is something at the quantum level that is capable of conserving information — something that can neither be created nor destroyed.

What is it?

According to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, energy, psyche, and quantum information are the only things that are truly conserved.


Psyche is energy, and all energy contains information.  Think of radio waves, television waves, and light waves.  They contain information.  Likewise, quantum waves or thoughts also contain information.

According to the Law of Psyche, each psyche has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control; and, that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime that it chooses to do so.

A psyche is a quantum transceiver and a quantum wave processor.  Each psyche forms quantum waves, transmits quantum waves, receives quantum waves, processes quantum waves, and stores quantum waves.  Quantum waves are thoughts.  Quantum waves are WiFi at the quantum level.  Psyche is the thing that makes and processes quantum waves.  Something has to.


Psyche Experienced and Observed

Transforming the Physical into the Non-Physical


If you don’t understand how to transform the physical into the non-physical, then you don’t understand Science, because Nature’s Psyche or Nature’s Intelligence within our suns or stars is constantly transforming physical atoms INTO non-physical quantum waves or photons all the time. Throughout the whole process, the total amount of energy is constantly conserved. This phenomenon has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is real and truly exists, which makes it Science or Knowledge or Truth.

How would you transform a physical atom into something non-physical? This is Real Science, and you need to know how to do it, or you will never be able to understand Science.

In order to transform a physical atom into a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, and conserved quantum wave or photon, YOU MUST transform the mass or the resistance to acceleration INTO infinite acceleration instead. A photon or a quantum wave goes from zero to the speed-of-light instantly – that’s infinite acceleration. The ONLY way you can successfully achieve infinite acceleration is to temporarily remove the mass or the resistance to acceleration.

Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. Obvious. Real. Observed. Experienced. True.

The psyche or the intelligence within the quantum wave or the photon doesn’t have to limit itself to the speed-of-light if it doesn’t want to. Not only is a photon or a quantum wave capable of infinite acceleration, it is also capable of an infinite velocity or omnipresence. In other words, a photon or a quantum wave can quantum tunnel or teleport to its destination instantly, if it chooses to do so. Photons or quantum waves that travel faster than the speed-of-light are called tachyons. Tachyons are spirit matter. They can quantum tunnel or teleport at will, or they can choose to create a reference frame within their own dimension, phase, or timeline and give the appearance that they are standing still.

In order to transform a physical atom into a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, resistanceless, and conserved quantum wave or photon, YOU MUST also transform the entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), the internal clocks (the aging process), the stored heat, or the non-conserved parts of a physical atom INTO something that is entropyless, ageless, heatless, and conserved instead. You must know how to eliminate entropy and transform that entropy INTO syntropy or exergy instead. You must accept the FACT that photons or quantum waves are entropyless, ageless, massless, heatless, chargeless, resistanceless, syntropic, exergic, and conserved. If you are unable to accept this obvious truth, then you will NEVER be able to understand Science and how it works.

This process is an integral part of Quantum Field Theory. You have to understand Quantum Field Theory and you have to KNOW how to transform a physical atom into something non-physical, or you will never know how Science works in the real world.

How would you transform something non-physical into a physical atom? This is Real Science, and you need to know how to do it, or you will never be able to understand Science.

In order to transform a massless, entropyless, chargeless, heatless, ageless, resistanceless, and conserved quantum wave or photon or tachyon into a physical atom, YOU MUST transform the infinite acceleration and the infinite velocity INTO mass or resistance to acceleration instead. When a photon or a quantum wave chooses to STOP, it goes from the speed-of-light to zero instantly – that’s infinite resistance to acceleration. The ONLY way you can successfully achieve infinite resistance to acceleration or infinite deceleration is to stop that photon deliberately or to localize it in space-time instantly.

Simple. Logical. Parsimonious. Obvious. Real. Observed. Experienced. True.

The psyche or the intelligence in the photon, or the quantum wave, or the tachyon (spirit matter) can choose to stop its motion or infinite acceleration or omnipresence instantly. This phenomenon has actually been experienced and observed, has it not? We are seeing the light all the time because the psyches or the intelligences within the photons are choosing to STOP rather than passing through us as if we weren’t even there. Quantum waves or photons don’t have to stop if they don’t want to. They can pass through us unphased as if we weren’t there, if they choose to do so.

Whenever a photon or a quantum wave CHOOSES to stop, it transforms its omnipresence and infinite acceleration INTO some type of mass, heat, entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), clocks (aging process), or resistance to acceleration instead. This has actually been experienced and observed, has it not? Typically, a photon of light CHOOSES to transform itself into heat when it stops, rather than transforming itself into mass or physical matter. We feel the heat on our skin, but we don’t typically observe mass or physical matter forming onto our skin. But, there’s nothing (except for God) to stop a photon or a quantum wave from transforming itself into a physical atom or into mass if it wants to do so.

We certainly can’t choose what a photon or a quantum wave will become when it finally CHOOSES to stop and transform itself into something else instead. God is the only one that we know of who can do that type of thing. God can transform tachyons, or spirit matter, or photons, or quantum waves INTO physical atoms at will because He has been observed doing so. God can command the psyches or the intelligences within the photons, tachyons, or spirit matter to transform themselves INTO physical atoms anytime and anywhere, and they will do so because they have covenanted with God to obey His commands. That’s why He is God, and we are not.

This whole process is called the Perpetual Motion Cycle (E = mc2). It’s the Perpetual Motion Cycle because it has always existed, and it will always exist, because it is constantly conserved. The total amount of energy in the system never changes. The energy is simply changed from one form to another and then back again; and all the while, the total amount of energy is constantly conserved.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle is a cycle.

God or Nature’s Psyche is constantly transforming physical atoms INTO massless, resistanceless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, infinite acceleration, and conserved photons or quantum waves instead, within our suns or our stars. Then whenever a photon or a quantum wave CHOOSES TO STOP, God or the intelligence or the psyche within that photon or quantum wave chooses what form that former quantum wave will now become. When a photon or a quantum wave chooses to stop, it typically transforms itself into localized heat, mass, entropy (mass’s heat storage capacity), resistance to acceleration, or clocks (the aging process) instead. A photon or a quantum wave chooses to stop, and then it chooses what it wants to become now that it has stopped.

This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle (E = mc2). It will never get old, and it will never wear out, because it is constantly conserved. This is what has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is real and truly exists. The Perpetual Motion Cycle is essentially a conserved or a transdimensional or a non-physical or a quantum phenomenon, which is why the Materialists, Naturalists, Nihilists, and Atheists have never discovered it. They aren’t looking for it, and they don’t want it to be true.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle is perfectly conserved order and organization at the quantum level, which means that the Perpetual Motion Cycle is syntropic, exergic, eternal, everlasting, and conserved. When it comes to physics, the Perpetual Motion Cycle explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed. The Perpetual Motion Cycle explains why we exist in the first place.

Notice that the proven and verified existence of the Perpetual Motion Cycle FALSIFIES the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which erroneously claims that the Perpetual Motion Cycle does not exist and that the total amount of disorder in the universe is constantly increasing and can never go to zero. They both can’t be true because they are mutually exclusive. They falsify each other. The second law of thermodynamics was designed to falsify the Perpetual Motion Cycle and to convince people that it does not exist. Since the Perpetual Motion Cycle is obviously true, that makes the second law of thermodynamics obviously false.

Mark My Words




Conserved Means Entropyless

Conserved Means Entropyless

Have you ever wondered what “conserved” truly means when it comes to physics?

Conserved means entropyless or syntropic.  Conserved means that all of the entropy in the system has gone to zero and ceased to exist.

So, what is entropy?

Entropy is a catch-all term that is used to describe a variety of different physical phenomena.

Entropy is the aging process, which means that entropy consists of all the different clocks or timing mechanisms that are built into physical matter or a physical atom.  Entropy is exclusively a physical phenomenon.  Entropy doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the Ageless Realm, or the Conserved Realm, or the Entropyless Realm.

Entropy is often defined as a transfer of heat from a hot system to a cold system.  NO heat or NO thermodynamics, then NO entropy.  There is NO entropy at absolute zero, both at the physical level and at the quantum level.  Entropy goes to zero and ceases to exist, when the temperature or heat goes to absolute zero and ceases to exist.

Entropy is also mass or resistance to acceleration.  A transdimensional or non-physical system, that has NO mass or NO resistance to acceleration, has NO entropy.  That means that a transdimensional system, or a quantum system, or a massless system, or a non-physical system is conserved because it is entropyless.  When mass goes to zero, entropy goes to zero.

Entropy is purely a physical phenomenon.  Entropy doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the Quantum Realm or the Massless Realm.  Whenever mass or resistance to acceleration goes to zero, entropy goes to zero and ceases to exist.  This truth is called the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, which states that there is no mass, no resistance to acceleration, no thermodynamics, and therefore NO entropy at the quantum level in the Transdimensional Non-Physical Realm.  Entropy doesn’t exist at the quantum level, which means that everything is conserved at the quantum level.

Powerful.  Logical.  Rational.  Obvious.  Simple.  Real.  True.

These ideas are demonstrably true.  By studying the equations for heat and entropy, one can see with his own eyes that this is true.

The equation for heat (Q):

Q = mcΔT

The typical equation for entropy:

S = Q/ΔT

Put the equation for heat into the equation for entropy, and then solve for entropy, in order to find another powerful and true definition for entropy:

S = mcΔT/ΔT

Solving this equation, we get the following: S = mc.

Entropy (S) is the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).  Simple.  Parsimonious.  Logical.  Real.  True.

Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity.  No mass, no heat, or no heat storage capacity, then NO entropy.  Entropy (S) goes to zero whenever mass (m), heat (Q), thermodynamics (Q or T), temperature (T), or mass’s heat storage capacity (mc) goes to zero.

Scientists lie, but the equations don’t lie.

S = mc.

Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity.  Entropy goes to zero when mass goes to zero.  This is one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the whole universe, due to its explanatory power.

Conserved means entropyless.

True Definitions for Entropy


Here we have presented five true and demonstrable definitions for entropy.

  1. Conserved or Syntropic or Exergic is the antonym for Entropy. Conserved means entropyless.  Entropy means non-conserved.  Entropy, mass, thermodynamics, and heat are not conserved.  This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, which tells us what is not being conserved.  Conserved means entropyless or syntropic.  Conserved means that all of the entropy in the system has gone to zero and ceased to exist.  This scientific truth explains why we exist.  Energy is conserved.  The Quantum Realm or the Transdimensional Non-Physical Realm is conserved.
  2. Entropy is the aging process or the different clocks that are built into a physical atom. Entropy doesn’t exist at the quantum level in the Transdimensional Realm, or the Quantum Realm, or the Ageless Realm, or the Conserved Realm.  Conserved or Syntropic means eternal and everlasting.  Entropy is not conserved.  Entropy is temporary.
  3. Entropy is the transfer of heat from a hot system to a cold system. NO heat, then NO entropy.  When heat or temperature or thermodynamics goes to zero, then entropy goes to zero.  When the temperature is absolute zero, then the amount of entropy in the system is absolute zero, whether we are talking about a transdimensional system or a physical system.
  4. Entropy is mass or resistance to acceleration. NO mass, then NO entropy.  Whenever mass goes to zero and ceases to exist, entropy goes to zero and ceases to exist.  This is obviously true because it has been experienced and observed.  Photons or quantum waves are obviously massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, conserved or pure energy, and have NO resistance to acceleration.  Photons, quantum waves, virtual particles, thoughts, and superconductors function best and most efficiently at absolute zero, where entropy has gone to zero and ceased to exist.  This is what has been experienced and observed.
  5. Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity. S = mc.  No mass, no heat, or no heat storage capacity, then no entropy.  This is obviously true.  The equations don’t lie.  Scientists lie, but the equations don’t lie.  This is one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the universe due to its explanatory power.  It explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.  It explains why we are here and why we exist.  Everything at the quantum level or the massless level or the entropyless level is being conserved, in one form or another.  Entropy is purely a physical phenomenon.  Entropy ceases to exist at the quantum level, or the massless level, or the conserved level.  Entropy is not conserved.

The Mass-Based Definition for Entropy


Here are the details for the mass-based definition for entropy:

Q = mcΔT

Heat (Q) is equal to mass (m) times that mass’s heat storage capacity (c) times the change in temperature (ΔT).

S = Q/ΔT

Entropy (S) is equal to heat (Q) divided by the change in temperature (ΔT).  Combining these two equations into one, we get the following equation.  Notice that the temperature (T) is irrelevant, because the temperature cancels out.

S = mcΔT/ΔT

Solving this equation, we get the following: S = mc.

Entropy (S) is the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).

Simple.  Parsimonious.  Demonstrable.  Replicable.  Verifiable.  Logical.  Conservative.  True.

This is the mass-based definition for entropy.  It’s there in plain sight just waiting for someone to find it and present it to the universe.

Notice that the temperature (T) is irrelevant, because the temperature cancels out.  This process works and this equation holds true no matter what the temperature might happen to be.  It even works at absolute zero Kelvin (T or K = 0).  Everything continues to function perfectly fine at the quantum level, even at absolute zero.  In fact, by studying photons and superconductors, we observe that absolute zero maximizes the efficiency and functionality of quantum objects such as photons, quantum waves, superconductors, virtual particles (thoughts), and quantum fields.  Absolute zero is maximum efficiency and maximum order at the quantum level thanks to the Quantum Fields and the Conservation of Energy.

S = mc

This simple equation for entropy is possibly the greatest scientific discovery of all time.  It’s demonstrably true.  It falsifies the second law of thermodynamics, which claims that entropy is conserved.  Entropy is NOT disorder as the second law of thermodynamics erroneously claims.  Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity.  No mass, then no entropy.  No heat, then no entropy.  Mass, heat, entropy, resistance to acceleration, and physical matter are NOT conserved.  Their amount is constantly changing.  Only the underlying energy is conserved.

c = the specific heat capacity of the mass under consideration

m = mass

Entropy (S) is mass’s heat storage capacity (mc).  No heat storage capacity, then no heat.  No mass and no heat, then NO entropy.  NO thermodynamics, then NO entropy.  When temperature goes to absolute zero, entropy goes to absolute zero.  Simple.  Logical.  Parsimonious.  True.  Science doesn’t get any better than this.

This is what has actually been experienced and observed.

Entropy (S) equals mass (m), particularly the heat storage capacity of mass (mc).  Entropy is mass’s heat storage capacity (S = mc).  Entropy is also resistance to acceleration or mass.  This is the mass-based definition for entropy.  No mass, then no entropy.  It’s that simple.

Conserved means entropyless.

According to the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics, mass, heat, entropy, and thermodynamics are NOT conserved, whereas, everything in the Ageless Realm, the Massless Realm, the Transdimensional Realm, or the Quantum Realm is conserved in one form or another.  According to the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics, there is no entropy and no thermodynamics at the quantum level in the Transdimensional Realm or the Massless Realm.  This is obviously true, or we wouldn’t exist in the first place.

Mark My Words

