Science Is Observation and Experience

Science Is Observation and Experience


Technically, infinite entropy, infinite and ever-increasing entropy, and “entropy that has never decreased and gone to zero” has NEVER been experienced NOR observed.  The Big Bang Theory actually falsifies the idea!  Entropy is constantly going to zero and ceasing to exist, according to the equations for entropy.  If the second law of thermodynamics is true, then the Big Bang Theory can’t possibly be true.  In contrast, if the Big Bang Theory is true, then the second law of thermodynamics can’t possibly be true.  They are mutually exclusive.  They falsify each other.  That means that one of them is automatically false; and, for all we know, they both are false.

So, which one is true, and which one is false?

I KNOW which one is more likely to be true, because I have been studying physics and entropy from a non-physical, massless, quantum perspective for a few years now.  I’ve given the whole thing some serious thought.

Here is what I discovered!

The one that has been experienced and observed is the one that is real and true.

Massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, non-physical photons or quantum waves have actually been experienced and observed!  Their very existence FALSIFIES Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Atheism, and their derivatives which state that the massless and the non-physical DO NOT EXIST.

Each photon that is made by Nature or by Nature’s Psyche is in fact a miniature Big Bang.  The Big Bang by definition is a complete reversal of entropy, a situation where entropy has gone to zero and ceased to exist.  The Big Bang, if it happened, was by definition pure syntropy – a complete and total reversal of entropy.  The same thing happens every day whenever Nature or Nature’s Psyche makes a photon from the absolute-zero temperatures of the energies within the quantum fields, or from physical matter in our sun.  The production of a massless, chargeless, heatless, and entropyless non-physical photon is pure syntropy – it is a miniature Big Bang – it is a complete reversal of entropy.  Photons have NO entropy because they have no mass, which means that they have NO heat storage capacity.  Mass has heat storage capacity, according to the equation for heat.  NO mass, then NO heat storage capacity.  NO mass, then NO heat, NO thermodynamics, and NO entropy.  This is precisely what we experience and observe.

Whenever Nature or Nature’s Psyche transforms mass, heat, and entropy into a massless, chargeless, heatless, and entropyless non-physical quantum wave or photon, ALL of that mass and heat get transformed into infinite acceleration and omnipresence instead.  A newly made photon goes from zero to the speed-of-light (or faster) instantly.  That’s infinite acceleration.  This is what we actually experience and observe.  A photon is capable of infinite acceleration and any speed of its own choosing because it has NO mass or NO resistance to acceleration.  A photon has no mass, which means that it has no heat storage capacity, which means that a photon has NO heat.  A photon or quantum wave has transformed all of its mass, heat, resistance to acceleration, heat storage capacity, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless infinite acceleration or quantum omnipresence instead.  This is what we actually experience and observe.

A massless, chargeless, and entropyless photon is made within a realm that has NO entropy; and, a photon is by definition a massless object that has NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration.  A photon travels at maximum efficiency through the absolute-zero temperature quantum fields that fill the expanse of space.  By definition, a photon has no heat while it travels because it has no mass.  Mass is heat storage capacity, and a photon has none.  Mass is resistance to acceleration, and a photon has none.

A photon is omnipresent quantum waves while it is traveling.  It travels at the speed-of-light or faster because it has NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration.  A tachyon by definition is a photon that has chosen to quantum tunnel or has chosen to travel faster than the speed-of-light.  A photon or tachyon is omnipresent because it has no mass, no entropy, and no resistance to acceleration while it is traveling.  Only when it deliberately stops and manifests itself in spacetime does a photon try to gather itself into a single location and transform itself into heat, mass, and entropy.  This explains everything that has ever been experienced or observed, does it not?

A photon is massless and omnipresent until it chooses to stop and transform itself into heat, mass, and entropy instead.  A photon doesn’t have to stop if it doesn’t want to.  A photon can travel through glass, water, and the earth as if they weren’t even there.  This has actually been experienced and observed.  There are lots of massless quantum particles who have that ability, and a photon is one of them.  They can go straight through the earth or the sun as if the sun or the earth weren’t even there, IF they choose to do so.

Photons can also choose to stop and transform themselves into heat, mass, and entropy anytime and anywhere they want to do so.  The Big Bang Theory tells us that this is true.  It has to be true in order for the Big Bang Theory to be true.  If the dual nature of photons or the Big-Bang-Like nature of photons is true, then that truth falsifies the second law of thermodynamics by completely reversing entropy and decreasing that entropy to zero.  The truth is that entropy is constantly decreasing and going to zero, whenever a mass-based particle is transformed into a massless particle or whenever matter is transformed into energy and light – in complete contradiction to the second law of thermodynamics which states that entropy is always increasing, and that entropy can never decrease.

The Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 falsifies the second law of thermodynamics every time that Nature or Nature’s Psyche transforms mass, heat, and entropy into massless and entropyless and heatless photons instead.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed!  E = mc2 is the Perpetual Motion Cycle.  It works perfectly both directions, and all the while the energy is conserved.

Einstein is the one who discovered the Perpetual Motion Cycle, but he didn’t identify it as such because he had rejected Quantum Mechanics or Action at a Distance, and was hung up on Materialism, Naturalism, or Classical Realism instead.  However, the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2 IS the mechanism behind the Conservation of Energy, Quantum Field Theory, and the massless and entropyless Perpetual Motion Machines that we call the Quantum Fields.

Psyche is the thing that triggers the transformations of energy.

According to the LAW of Psyche, each psyche or intelligence has a certain amount of energy that’s under its control, and that controlling psyche can form or transform the energy under its control into anything it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.

In our sun, Nature’s Psyche is currently transforming mass, heat, and entropy into massless, heatless, chargeless, and entropyless infinite acceleration photons or quantum waves.  Whenever a quantum wave or photon chooses to stop, the psyche or intelligence within that photon or quantum wave transforms its omnipresence, infinite acceleration, and superluminal velocity into mass, resistance to acceleration, heat, or mass’s heat storage capacity instead.  The psyche who is controlling each quantum wave or photon can transform the energy under its control into anything it wants that energy to be, including mass, electrons, quarks, physical matter, spirit matter or dark matter, heat, or mass’s heat storage capacity.  This is the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2, and all the while, ALL of the energy is conserved.  This Perpetual Motion Cycle will never wear out and never cease to exist, because it is constantly being conserved thanks to the Conservation of Energy and Psyche and Quantum Information.  ALL of this has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is real and true.

The false is falsified by the truth, and the truth is constantly and repeatedly experienced and observed.

Nature’s Psyche makes the quantum waves, and Nature’s Psyche collapses the wave functions.  Nature’s Psyche makes and MAPS each physical brain.  When the Human Psyche wants to lift its finger, Nature’s Psyche chooses and fires the specific neuron that it made and assigned to that specific task.  It’s Nature’s Psyche who fires the neurons in your brain by collapsing the necessary wave functions, because it was Nature’s Psyche who made and MAPPED your brain in the first place.  It’s Nature’s Psyche who controls your brain and fires the correct neurons in your brain.  The Human Psyche isn’t consciously aware of any of these quantum processes.  Nature’s Psyche is.

We NEED a mechanism at the quantum level that is smart enough to KNOW how to transform energy into mass, and mass back into usable energy or exergy.  Psyche is that machine.  Psyche or Intelligence or Quantum Consciousness is the ONLY machine or mechanism at the quantum level that has actually been experienced and observed, that is capable of making quantum waves and capable of collapsing the wave function AT WILL.

At the quantum level and the psyche level, a psyche looks like a photon or a pinpoint of light.  A Psyche is a real quantum computer.  A Psyche makes, transmits, receives, processes, and stores quantum waves or thoughts.  In science, we NEED an intelligent mechanism, capable of designing and making the Quantum Fields.  The Gods or Controlling Psyches had to design and make the quantum fields BEFORE the first particle of physical matter could be made and sustained.  According to Quantum Field Theory, there can be NO physical matter without the quantum fields, and there can be no quantum fields and quantum laws and quantum perpetual motion machines without some type of psyche or intelligence to make them in the first place.  That’s just the way it is.

Photons are massless and entropyless infinite acceleration.  Photons go from zero to the speed-of-light instantly at an infinite acceleration, because photons have NO mass, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO entropy.  Photons literally transform their mass, heat, and entropy into infinite acceleration instead.  It happens instantly, and it sets them free.  Only when the photons stop, do they in fact transform themselves back into heat, mass, and entropy.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed!  Is it not?

Every instantiation of a photon is a miniature Big Bang – the creation of a whole new universe.  Every time that mass or physical matter is converted or transformed into a photon, its mass, heat, and entropy are transformed into infinite acceleration instead.  It’s like the inflationary period within the Big Bang Theory.  A photon also represents a complete reversal of entropy or a complete elimination of entropy.  Photons falsify the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropyless photons can’t exist and don’t exist.

The photon sets off instantly at the speed-of-light or faster.  A photon is intelligent.  A photon is a psyche or has a psyche.  A photon launches at an infinite acceleration, going from zero to the speed-of-light instantly because it has NO resistance to acceleration (no mass); and, then it chooses its final velocity which is anywhere from the speed-of-light to infinity.  It happens every time that a photon is made, whether that photon is made from physical matter or from the infinite expanse of the massless and entropyless quantum fields.  This explanation of science matches perfectly with everything that we have ever experienced or observed.  Does it not?

We have the truth, and then we have everything else.  The false is falsified by the truth; and, the truth is constantly experienced and observed.  Entropy is constantly decreasing to zero and ceasing to exist every time that matter or mass is converted or transformed into pure, syntropic, massless energy, or light, or photons instead.  By definition, a photon is massless, which means that by definition it has no entropy because it has no mass or no resistance to acceleration.  We eliminate entropy, or entropy goes to zero, every time we convert mass or matter into massless energy or light.  Think of the proven and verified science where we have actually converted or transformed matter into massless and entropyless energy and light.  A hydrogen bomb produces a lot of massless energy and light.  The entropy within that massless energy or light goes to zero and ceases to exist, according to the equations for entropy and according to the Big Bang Theory.

Every time that Nature or Nature’s Psyche decides to transform a particle of physical matter into a photon, Nature transforms the mass, heat, and entropy within that physical particle into massless, heatless, and entropyless infinite acceleration instead.  This is what we actually experience and observe!  The thing goes instantly from having resistance to acceleration (mass) to having NO resistance to acceleration (no mass) and infinite acceleration instead.  A photon goes instantly from zero to the speed-of-light, each time that a particle of physical matter is converted or transformed into a massless and entropyless photon.  This is what we have experienced and observed, is it not?

I have moved way beyond “wanting this to be true”.  I KNOW that it is true because it has actually been experienced and observed.  I KNOW that it is true because I understand the physics behind it.  Unlike other scientists, I understand the physics from both the physical side and the non-physical quantum side.  I can see with my own eyes that they are in complete harmony with each other.  I understand the first law of thermodynamics or the conservation of energy, and I KNOW that Nature or Nature’s Psyche can transform the energy under its control into anything that it wants that energy to be, anytime and anywhere that it chooses to do so.  Whenever a physical particle is transformed into a photon, ALL of its mass, heat, and entropy is transformed into massless, heatless, and entropyless infinite acceleration instead.  Whenever a photon chooses to stop, it transforms its omnipresent energy into mass, heat, and entropy; and, that’s how it stops.

I KNOW that this is true because it is obviously true and demonstrably true.  I KNOW that this is true because it allows ALL of the evidence into evidence and then pursues a preponderance of that evidence.  I KNOW that this is true because Science, or observation and experience, has already proven it true.  I KNOW that this is true because it matches perfectly with the Perpetual Motion Cycle, E = mc2, both coming and going.  I KNOW that this is true because it’s constantly being experienced and observed and verified.  I KNOW this is true because it provides a realistic and logical mechanism for the construction of something like a photon or a big bang singularity.  Photons ARE entropyless big bang singularities!  I KNOW that this is true because it actually takes the massless or the non-physical into consideration.  I KNOW that this is true, because it actually explains what happens to the heat, mass, and entropy whenever Nature or Nature’s Psyche chooses to make a photon instead.  I KNOW that this is true because it falsifies Materialism, Naturalism, Darwinism, Nihilism, Classical Physics, Classical Realism, Atheism or Creation Ex Nihilo, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics – all of which are demonstrably false.  I KNOW that this is true because it explains everything that has ever been experienced and observed.

Science 2.0 provides us with much greater explanatory power because it allows all of the evidence into evidence – including the massless evidence or the non-physical evidence.  If we want to find and know the truth, then we must be willing to allow all of the evidence into evidence.  Knowing the truth sets us free.

These NEW scientific discoveries became possible because I finally chose to look at science from a massless, non-physical, quantum perspective.  Change your perspective, and it changes the way you see the world.

I’ve worked hard to master and enhance the Philosophy of Science.  I’ve done more to upgrade and improve the Philosophy of Science than anyone else on this planet, because it’s that important to the human race as a whole.

One of the primary lessons from the Philosophy of Science is the observable fact that when it comes to each piece of scientific data or scientific evidence, there are literally an infinite number of different ways that it can be interpreted.  Many of those personal interpretations falsify each other, contradict each other, or are mutually exclusive.  That reality and truth is the fundamental flaw in the Scientific Method.  The final step of the Scientific Method is to interpret the data or the evidence; and, that’s where we humans always fail and get things wrong.  We stink when it comes to trying to figure out what the evidence truly means.  Our personal biases and prejudices hide or destroy the true interpretation of scientific evidence every time.

I’ve written twenty books trying to improve the way that we interpret scientific evidence, because interpretation is everything when it comes to science, scientific data, and scientific evidence.  In science, we are trying to find the true cause of the things that we experience and observe, and a faulty or false interpretation destroys what we are trying to accomplish by doing science in the first place.  A stupid interpretation of scientific data – such as chance causality or creation by chance – hides and destroys and ruins the true interpretation of the scientific data and the true cause of the scientific evidence.

Garbage in.  Garbage out.  That’s what stupid interpretations are all about.

I’m trying to develop better, more demonstrable, and more realistic interpretations for scientific evidence than the stupid and easily falsified junk that we keep getting from the Materialists, Naturalists, Darwinists, Nihilists, and Atheists.  Rather than using chance as the cause of everything that exists as these people do, I’m actually trying to find the true cause of everything that exists.  I’m actually trying to do science.

I’m a generalist.  I’m good at everything and master of nothing.  I KNOW to what extent Science 2.0 has been of value and worth to me.  It’s been worth a great deal, actually.  It’s not just a gimmick.  Nevertheless, Science 2.0 leaves it up to you go decide for yourself whether it has any worth to you or not.  Science 2.0 is based exclusively upon observation and experience – NOT peer review – therefore, what you have experienced and observed will be completely different than what I have experienced and observed.

However, it has become my personal belief that God gives to each person a piece of the overall puzzle, and if each one of us were to add our own unique piece of the puzzle into the collective encyclopedia and make that encyclopedia publicly available, then the human race as a whole would know and understand everything that exists by sheer observation and experience alone.  That’s what Science 2.0 is all about.  It’s about KNOWLEDGE – and not about philosophy, wishful thinking, censorship, peer review, nor personal speculation.  Censoring away the evidence, hiding the evidence, and destroying the evidence is not the right way to do science.

Remember, a photon is an entropyless syntropic big bang singularity.  That means that the Big Bang is ongoing to this very day.  The Big Bang was NOT a one-time event.

Nature or Nature’s Psyche is constantly transforming entropyless omnipresence or entropyless infinite acceleration into mass, resistance to acceleration, heat, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) all the time all around us.  A miniature Big Bang happens every time a photon or quantum wave CHOOSES to stop and transform itself into mass, heat, and mass’s heat storage capacity (entropy) instead.  We can feel the heat on our skin whenever a photon CHOOSES to stop on our skin.

Likewise, Nature or Nature’s psyche is constantly transforming the mass, heat, and entropy within our sun INTO massless, heatless, chargeless, entropyless, non-physical photons or quantum waves all the time.  This whole process is eternal and everlasting because it is based upon the Conservation of Energy, Psyche, and Quantum Information and because it is based upon the Perpetual Motion Cycle E = mc2.

Look at me.  I just figured out how everything works!  Best of all, it has actually been experienced and observed!

Mark My Words

