The Grand Secret



Tachyons are particles of energy.  WE KNOW from a Light Cone Chart, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and Common Sense that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy.  This scientific claim is obviously true.

Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  Tachyons cannot END!  Tachyons are the source!  Tachyonic is synonymous with omnipotence!  Tachyons are the conservation of energy; and the first law of thermodynamics is tachyonic.  “All-Seeing”, or “Omnipotent”, or “God-like” is the best definition for tachyons and the tachyonic.  That’s a bit better than to simply say that tachyons can travel faster than light, which they can do; but tachyons can do more than quantum tunnel or travel faster than light.  Tachyons are “all-inclusive”!  Tachyons made everything!  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic or omnipotent.  The quantum fields are tachyons!  A tachyon or quantum mechanics is “all-powerful” or “omnipotent”, because it can turn on and turn off luxons and tardyons at will!

Remember, tachyons can start and end luxons and tardyons at will.  Tachyons can start and end mass, entropy, gravity, and resistance to acceleration at will.  That’s the very definition of “omnipotence”!  The Gods, if they exist, are going to be tachyonic, all-seeing, or omnipotent just like tachyons!

Energy consists of tachyons.  Energy is alive because energy cannot die.  Energy is life force.  Energy is conscious, intelligent, perceptive, sentient, thoughtful, and alive.  Tachyons exist as energy.  Energy is tachyonic!  The quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic; and every scientist should know that everything in this universe is made from the quantum fields.  Everything is made from tachyons or energy.

As scientists and physicists, we call particles of energy “matter”.  This means that particles of energy are in fact particles of spirit matter.  It’s the same stuff, and the whole thing is tachyonic!  And we all should KNOW that particles of energy exist.  Particles of energy or particles of spirit matter are tachyons and act tachyonic.  This is obviously true.  Tachyons are psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter.  This is the Grand Secret.  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter make everything from themselves.  Tachyons are the Builders and the building blocks.

Tachyons are quantum mechanics.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Spirit matter consists of tachyons.  Tachyons are the conservation of energy.  Conserved Quanta or Quantized Psyches are tachyons.  Tachyons fill the immensity of space and are in all things and through all things.  Tachyons are the power by which everything was made that was made.  Tachyons are Designers, Creators, and Gods.  Tachyons are God-like particles of energy, psyches, or intelligences.  Tachyons are hyperdimensional energy beings.  Therefore, they have no physical limitations!

Everything in this universe is made from psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy that we call tachyons.  Everything!  This is the Grand Secret that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years – because these people deny the existence of tachyons and the tachyonic.  Everything in this universe is made from the things that the atheists claim, “do not exist”.  The atheists are adamant that psyches or tachyons don’t exist.

However, WE KNOW that tachyons exist, because the quantum fields exist; and the quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic.  The quantum fields are comprised of tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy who have NO physical limitations or are tachyonic!  This is really simple to understand; and it’s obviously true.  Energy is made from tachyons; and energy is tachyonic in its native original FORM.  Tachyons are particles of energy; and particles of energy are made from tachyons.  This is the Grand Secret.  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons.  Tachyons make everything from themselves!  This is obviously true.  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic!

In contrast, the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are constantly trying to convince us that tachyons or psyches do not exist.  Well, I KNOW that tachyons exist, because tachyons, psyches, and intelligences are particles of energy; and particles of energy obviously exist.

I choose to go with what has been repeatedly experienced and observed and verified, rather than pleasing the atheists by trying to convince you that none of this stuff exists!  As I see it, there’s no further need to try to please the atheists, because the atheists are clearly wrong!  Materialism, naturalism, nihilism, behaviorism, and even atheism have been falsified by Science – which is by definition observational evidence, or experiential evidence, or scientific evidence.  Physicalism, naturalism, atomism, and their derivatives are falsified by the proven and verified existence of massless, entropyless, non-physical photons, quantum waves, and quantum fields.

The way the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists do “science” is that they start by concluding that something doesn’t exist.  Then they hide, delete, deny, or destroy any observational evidence that proves that they are wrong.  The way I do Science is that I start with something that we KNOW exists, such as energy; and, then I try to find or create scientific terms that explain what we are observing or experiencing.  The problem with the atheists is that they have concluded that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light; and since tachyons and the quantum fields can travel faster than the speed-of-light, the atheists erroneously conclude that they don’t exist.  That’s not “science”!  That’s blind faith, sophistry, and dogma.  Sophistry is a philosophical attempt to convince you that a lie is true.

The atheists take a blind leap of faith into nothing!  The blind faith atheists or the flat earth atheists deny the existence of anything and everything that falsifies their beliefs.

There’s an extremely important lesson to be learned here, and it’s not just that everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy.  It is extremely important to pay careful and special attention anytime that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, or atheists claim that something doesn’t exist, because the probability is high that they are wrong.  These people have a talent for identifying the truth and then rejecting it or denying its existence.  Whenever these people have made the claim that something doesn’t exist, I can’t think of a single case where they are in fact demonstrably right.  Instead, ALL of the evidence that we have on hand proves that they are wrong!  These people deliberately reject the truth.  Truth can’t be found by rejecting it or by denying its existence!

Their atheistic claim that tachyons or psyches don’t exist is demonstrably false.  Their materialistic claim that the non-physical or the intangible does not exist is demonstrably false.  Their naturalistic claim that particles of spirit matter or particles of energy do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their materialistic claim that massless, entropyless, non-physical photons or luxons do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their naturalistic claim that the supernatural or the quantum mechanical does not exist is demonstrably false.  Their atheistic claim that chance can design and create anything, if given enough time to do so, is demonstrably and obviously false!  Their nihilistic claim that eternal life or the quantum fields don’t exist is demonstrably false.  Their atheistic claim that intelligence and choice do not exist is demonstrably false.  Their nihilistic claim that the afterlife doesn’t exist is demonstrably false.  Even their atheistic claim that God doesn’t exist is demonstrably false.

Their ongoing denials are easily falsified with observational evidence, experiential evidence, or scientific evidence.  I have observed that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are always wrong when it comes to science, observations, predictions, and the things that matter most.  I learned five years ago in 2015 that if there is something that the atheists don’t want you looking at or learning, then that’s precisely what you should be studying, researching, and learning.  The atheists don’t want you taking tachyons or psyches or intelligences seriously, which means that that is precisely what you should be taking seriously and trying to find a scientific explanation for.  As scientists, we want the truth – not their sophistry, deceptions, and lies.

Everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons are particles of energy.  Particles of energy obviously exist; therefore, let’s find some scientific terms to explain the different FORMS of energy that have been experienced and observed.  According to any decent Light Cone Chart, particles of energy come in three major FORMS – tardyons, luxons, and tachyons.  Tardyons or entropic physical atoms are locked in spacetime or localized in spacetime at speeds or velocities slower than the speed-of-light.  While luxons or traveling quanta or photons exist, they travel at the speed-of-light.  Tardyons and luxons are NOT conserved.  They begin, and they can end.  It’s a Light Cone, and NOT a light parabola.  The timeline in the cone begins and ends!  In truth, it is a time-segment and not a timeline!  Time ENDS!

By definition, a tachyon is anything that is quantum tunneling or traveling faster than the speed-of-light.  Tachyonic means omnipotence, because tachyons are omnipotent and can do anything that they want!  I also define a tachyon as anything that is conserved, eternal, and everlasting – such as “energy” or “light”.  Eternity or infinity is tachyonic!  Tachyons are unlimited and infinite.  Particles of energy in their native original FORM are in fact tachyons, because energy is conserved, syntropic, omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, and everlasting.  Notice how I find a scientific term for everything that we have experienced or observed, rather than denying the existence of these things as the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists do.

Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter, and the atheists assure us that tachyons, psyches, or intelligences do not exist.  The atheists are always wrong, when it comes to Science and the things that they deny the existence of that have been observed.  Particles of energy are tachyonic tachyons; therefore, WE KNOW that tachyons exist, even though the atheists claim that they don’t exist.

By 2019, the scientists went on PBS and announced that quantum tunneling, or faster-than-light quantum entanglement, has become proven and verified Science.  This means that scientists have proven that tachyons exist.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Everything happens among the quantum fields instantaneously, which is what keeps electrons, photons, and protons in existence in the first place.  If everything didn’t happen instantaneously or continuously among the quantum fields, then electrons and protons would blink in and out of existence and soon disintegrate.  Electrons and protons and photons exhibit tachyonic properties, because they always KNOW where they are and what they are doing.  They are continuously alive or exist continuously.  That’s tachyonic!  Photons, quantum waves, and the quantum fields have NO physical limitations!  That’s tachyonic!  The quantum fields are tachyons!

The atheists are trying to convince us that the quantum fields don’t exist.  Well, WE KNOW that they exist and that they are tachyonic!  Particles of energy were tachyonic in their native original FORM, before the first luxons and tardyons were designed and made.

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, luxon, or tachyon.  Now, here’s the Grand Secret.  Luxons, or photons, or quantum waves are made from tachyons or particles of energy who have chosen to limit their velocity to the speed-of-light.  Tardyons or entropic physical atoms are made from tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta who have chosen to impose mass, entropy, spacetime, or resistance to acceleration onto themselves!  In other words, tardyons or entropic physical atoms are made from tachyonic quanta who have chosen to localize themselves in spacetime.  Tachyons can travel at any speed they desire, because tachyons can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons whenever they desire to do so.  This is really simple to understand.  The truth always is.  It’s right there on the Light Cone Chart for the whole world to see.  You can’t miss it, unless you are trying to miss it!  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy!

Particles of energy, in their native original form, are tachyons and tachyonic.  Quantum mechanics or energy mechanics in inherently tachyonic.  The quantum fields are tachyons and tachyonic.  Everything is made from psyches, intelligences, tachyons, particles of spirit matter, or particles of energy by Tachyonic Quanta, Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Everything!  The tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences make everything from themselves.  The tachyons make everything from particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  This is the Grand Secret!  This is the Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists have been trying to hide from us or trying to destroy for thousands of years.

Tachyons are particles of energy.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Tachyons are omnipotent and God-like.  The Gods are tachyonic.  The Gods are tachyons.  Everything in this universe is made from the Gods by the Gods.  This Grand Secret is scientific proof of God’s existence.  Everything in this universe testifies of God’s existence.

In order to become a God, you would have to get ALL of the conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta in the universe to support you, and sustain you, and follow your commands!  This means that you would have to convince everyone in the universe to make you a God.  If you can do that, then you are a God.

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.

According to quantum mechanics and any decent Light Cone Chart, tachyons or psyches or intelligences can “turn on” and “turn off” mass, entropy, and gravity at will whenever they choose to do so.  This is the Grand Secret that our atheistic scientists have been trying to hide from us.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons whenever they want to.  In other words, everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons!  Since tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will, tachyons can travel at any speed that they desire.  Tachyons or particles of energy can even choose to stop traveling and stay localized in spacetime if they so desire.  This is the Grand Secret that everyone is trying to hide from us by trying to convince us that tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences do not exist.

Remember, tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of spirit matter can “turn on” and “turn off” their visibility, mass, entropy, or gravity at will whenever they want.  While in their luxonic and tachyonic FORMS, particles of energy have NO mass, NO entropy, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration!  These scientific observations and scientific truths produce the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity.

Psyches, intelligences, tachyons, or particles of energy have to transform themselves into tardyons or particles of entropic physical matter in order to “turn on” their mass, resistance to acceleration, entropy, and gravity!  This means that there is NO mass, NO entropy, NO thermodynamics, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration within the quantum realms, tachyonic realms, hyperdimensional realms, spirit realms, heavenly realms, conserved realms, syntropic realms, or energy realms while psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, or particles of spirit matter are IN their luxonic or tachyonic FORM.  This is obviously true, because this is precisely what we have experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified!  Therefore, WE KNOW that it is true!

This Grand Secret – the idea that everything is made from tachyons by tachyons – is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.  Instantly, I could explain what everything is and how it works!  Instantly, I knew for a fact that tachyons do exist!  Psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, and particles of spirit matter are tachyons.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  Everything within the quantum fields happens instantly at an infinite velocity, because the quantum fields are one united organism, because the quantum fields are tachyons, and because the quantum fields are hyperdimensional energy beings who have NO physical limitations.

Tachyons are God-like.  The Gods are tachyons.  Tachyons made everything from themselves.  Everything is made from tachyons or particles of energy!  This Grand Secret explains in scientific terms everything that has ever been experienced or observed.  This knowledge or truth provides us with a complete reconciliation of Science and Religion.  This Grand Secret tells us that Science and Religion are the same thing in the end.  Truth will always be true, no matter where it is found!

This Grand and Glorious Secret has been sitting there for all eternity just waiting for someone to discover it.  The Grand Secret is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.  The Grand Secret completely reconciles Science and Religion.  The Grand Secret tells us that everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons or the Gods.  In contrast, the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, behaviorists, and atheists are constantly trying to convince us that tachyons don’t exist, because the verified and proven existence of massless, entropyless, non-physical tachyons or particles of energy FALSIFIES their belief system.

All that I had to do to discover the Grand Secret was to be willing to give up my materialism, naturalism, nihilism, and atheism.  It was a fair trade that was sixty years in the making!  Now you know my secret.

I wanted to explain in scientific terms everything that has ever been experienced or observed.  Now I have done so.  Good enough!  There are ONLY three possibilities.  According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.

This is the Grand Secret!  Everything is a tachyon or a particle of energy; but some of those tachyons have chosen to act like luxons, and some of those tachyons have chosen to act like tardyons.  That’s the Grand Secret behind it all.  Everything is a tachyon, a psyche, an intelligence, a particle of energy, or a particle of spirit matter; but some of those tachyons have chosen to act like luxons, and some of those tachyons have chosen to act like tardyons.

Tachyons are the conservation of energy.  Tachyons are the conservation of life force.  Tachyonic quanta or conserved quanta are the conservation of quantum information.  Tachyons or quantized psyches are the conservation of quantum memories.  Tachyons or particles of energy are syntropic and conserved.  Conserved quanta or conserving quanta are tachyons.  Psyches or intelligences are tachyons.  The quantum fields are tachyons.  ALL of these things are tachyons because they are syntropic and conserved!  ALL of these are tachyons because they contain, process, and store conserved quantum information!

Here we have some of the main Truths in Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are trying to hide from us!

To become a God, you would have to get ALL of the conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta in the universe to support you, and sustain you, and conserve you as a God!  Who made God?  The conserved quanta or the tachyonic quanta made God; and these are the people who keep Him in existence as a God!  Your human psyche or your conserved quantum is one of the tachyons who chose to make Him your God.  This is the Grand Secret that our atheistic scientists and naturalists have been trying to hide from us for thousands of years!  God is God because you chose to make Him your God.

I love this Science due to its massively huge scientific explanatory power.  It’s infinitely better than the atheistic and naturalistic claim that NONE of this stuff exists!  Ask yourself which model of reality has the most scientific explanatory power – the Ultimate Model of Reality that explains what conserved quanta are and how they work, or the atheistic model or paradigm which tells us that tachyons and conserved quanta don’t exist.

According to any decent Light Cone Chart, everything in this universe is either a tardyon, luxon, or tachyon.  Luxons and tardyons are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is not conserved!  ONLY their tachyonic core is conserved.  Tachyons or particles of energy are conserved.  Energy is tachyonic!  Energy is conserved.  Tachyonic means “syntropic” or “conserved”!  Tachyons are typically defined as something that can travel faster than the speed-of-light, or quantum tunnel, if it chooses to do so.  Tachyons are particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.  They can do anything they want.  They can stand still, or they can quantum tunnel.  Tachyons are intelligent and alive.  Tachyons are psyches or intelligences.  Tachyons are God-like.  Tachyons are particles of energy.

Tachyonic means “syntropic” or “conserved”.  Tachyonic means “eternal”, “infinite”, and “everlasting.”  Energy is tachyonic.  Tachyonic also means “quantum mechanical” or “hyperdimensional”.  Tachyonic means “omnipotent” and “omnipresent”.  Tachyonic means “versatile”, “unrestricted”, or “unlimited”.  Quantum mechanics is tachyonic.  Tachyonic means “God-like”.  Tachyonic is synonymous with choice, because tachyons or psyches can choose to be whatever they want to be.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will.  Tachyons, psyches, or intelligences can start and end tardyons and luxons at will.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Tachyons are energy.  The quantum fields are tachyons!

This is the Grand Secret.  Everything in this universe is made from tachyons or particles of energy by Tachyons, or Conserved Quanta, or the Gods.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons.  The mass shell, or mass shell condition, is made from tachyons by tachyons.  Quantum waves are made from tachyons and then collapsed by tachyons, or psyches, or intelligences.  Luxons and tardyons are started and ended by tachyons!  Everything has tachyons within it.  A Tachyonic Quantum, a Conserved Quantum, or a Quantized Psyche can transform itself into a luxon or a tardyon at will.  In other words, a Tachyonic Quantum, a Conserved Quantum, or a Quantized Psyche can turn on and turn off its mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration at will.  Tachyons, psyches, intelligences, or particles of energy really are God-like, whether we know it or not.

Mass, entropy, gravity, and resistance to acceleration are “turned on” and “turned off” by tachyons, psyches, or intelligences at will.  There’s nothing we can do with a physical instrument to capture or control a tachyon!  Tachyonic Quanta or Conserved Quanta could disassemble the physical atoms in your body anytime they choose to do so, and there is nothing you could do to stop them.  Your physical body exists, because they choose for it to exist.  Everything is made from tachyons by tachyons, including entropic physical atoms and your physical body.

And there you have it – the answer to life, the universe, and everything!  It only took me 60 years to produce it, rather than 7.5 million years.  But it’s a lot better than 42, because it’s demonstrably true.

Mark My Words
