QLOT Redux

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics


The second law of thermodynamics is NOT a universal law, because it has exceptions.  The second law doesn’t apply and doesn’t exist at the quantum level among the quantum fields, the conserved quanta, the tachyons, the quantum waves, the quanta, and the photons.  The second law doesn’t apply to luxons or photons.  Entropy or resistance to acceleration has to be turned off to produce luxons, or photons, or quantum waves!  The seconds law ONLY applies to the spacetime dimension, tardyons, or entropic physical atoms.

The second law of thermodynamics is tardyonic, entropic, and stuck within the Light Cone where it can’t get out.  In contrast, the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics explains what happens to entropy, mass, gravity, thermodynamics, and “resistance to acceleration” outside of the Light Cone in the quantum realms or the transdimensional realms.



Think about it logically, because some of us quantum theorists have done so.

If entropy actually existed at the quantum level in the spirit world or the transdimensional realms, then physical atoms would eventually run down and stop working.  If entropy existed at the quantum level, then the physical atoms would have already collapsed and died long ago and ceased to exist.  It’s the entropyless conservation of energy or the entropyless conservation of motion at the quantum level that keeps a physical atom alive or in existence.




The electrons keep circling and the atomic orbital shell is maintained because there is NO entropy at the quantum level.  This is the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics.  It tells us that there is NO entropy, NO heat, NO resistance to acceleration, and NO thermodynamics at absolute zero in the quantum realm.  It tells us that this perpetual motion cycle at the quantum level among the quantum fields is eternal and everlasting because it is conserved and because it has NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration anywhere within it.


This is one of the Truths in Science that the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists are trying to hide from us.


A decent Light Cone Chart tells us that luxons and tardyons are NOT conserved.  Luxons and tardyons are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is not conserved!  Entropy, gravity, mass, and resistance to acceleration are different FORMS of energy.  The FORM is not conserved.  These things can be turned off by tachyons or conserved quanta at will.  Luxons and tardyons can go to ZERO, or END, or cease to exist!  Only their tachyonic core is conserved!  Tachyons are conserved.  Tachyons or particles of energy are infinite and unending.  This is the Ultimate Law of Thermodynamics in a nutshell!  The FORM is not conserved.  ONLY the particles of energy or the tachyons are conserved!  This is what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.


Luxons, or photons, or quantum waves BEGIN and END.  They are NOT conserved!  Luxons or photons are turned on and turned off by tachyons, or conserved quanta, or quantized psyches, or intelligences!  Entropy, or resistance to acceleration, or mass, or gravity does not exist in the tachyonic realm or the quantum realm where entropy has been deliberately turned off!  This is the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics!  This is what we have experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  Thanks to a Light Cone Chart and Conserved Quanta, I figured out what everything is and how it works!


Absolute zero temperature is steroids or maximum efficiency at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or hyperdimensional realms or tachyonic realms.  Think of superconductors for a visible or a physical example of this scientific truth in action.  The closer you get to absolute zero, the better superconductors perform because the entropy or “resistance to acceleration” goes away or goes towards absolute zero.

Remember, the second law of thermodynamics, mass, heat, and entropy are purely physical spacetime phenomena.  They are stuck or trapped within the Light Cone.  They are tardyonic!  They don’t exist in the infinite realm, the quantum realm, the non-physical realm, the supernatural realm, the hyperdimensional realm, the tachyonic realm, or the realm of Pure Energy.  There is NO entropy or NO resistance to acceleration within the quantum fields, photons, particles of spirit matter, tachyons, and conserved quanta.  This is what we have actually experienced, observed, and repeatedly verified; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics is also the Quantum Law of Gravity because they are the same mass-based system!  Gravity is a physical phenomenon.  It doesn’t really apply at the quantum level where everything is infinite!  Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have repeatedly observed that there is NO gravity or NO resistance to acceleration in the quantum realm or the spirit world.  In the transdimensional realms, they can levitate and fly at will, if they want to.

Remember, gravity goes to zero whenever mass, entropy, or resistance to acceleration goes to zero!  This is the Quantum Law of Gravity!


The formula for gravity is F = G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2), where F is the force of attraction between the two bodies, G is the universal gravitational constant, m sub 1 is the mass of the first object, m sub 2 is the mass of the second object and r is the distance between the centers of each object.  NO mass, then NO gravity.  It’s that simple.  There is NO mass or NO resistance to acceleration at the quantum level, which means that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or the quantum realms.  Gravity is stuck within the Light Cone!  The Quantum Law of Gravity tells us that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the quantum realms, the tachyonic realms, or the spirit world.

Some of the quantum theorists have hypothesized that there is ONLY ONE electron in this whole physical universe.  It is moving at an infinite velocity phasing in and out of this physical spacetime realm so fast that it’s generating this whole physical universe simultaneously.  If true, that is a lot of faith, trust, intelligence, and knowledge that has been placed into ONE single electron.  Of course, such a thing is physically impossible according to classical physics, materialism, naturalism, nihilism, or atheism; but it is totally possible according to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory and tachyons.



In contrast, because the quarks within physical atoms have been deliberately localized into spacetime, there’s obviously more than one of them.  However, according to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, because an electron is moving at an infinite velocity phasing in and out so fast that it generates a solid shell around the nucleus of a physical atom, it’s theoretically possible that there is only ONE electron in this entire physical universe.  That’s fascinating Science – and it doesn’t exist according to the materialists, naturalists, nihilists, atheists, and the second law of thermodynamics.

If there is only ONE electron in this entire entropic physical universe, then that reality would represent an infinite amount of memory storage capacity or an infinite amount of conserved quantum information at the quantum level within that SINGLE electron.  That single electron would have to remember what everything is and where everything is at the physical level in order to maintain the existence of this physical universe.  Such a thing would be a God!

If there is more than one electron, then it is obvious that they are all operating off the same quantum blueprint or the same set of conserved quantum information.  The Conserved Quantum or Quantized Psyche or Tachyonic Quantum containing all of that conserved quantum information would be a God!

Think about it logically.  Entropy, or resistance to acceleration, or the second law of thermodynamics ONLY applies at the physical spacetime level of our existence.  It can’t exist at the quantum level of our existence.  If entropy or resistance to acceleration existed at the quantum level, then this whole physical universe would collapse into an infinite singularity and cease to exist; and it would have already happened long ago.


Finally, I found it interesting to note that the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity are basically the same law with the same results because thermodynamics and gravity are both mass-based systems that don’t exist at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms, the tachyonic realms, or the spirit world.

The Quantum Law of Thermodynamics and the Quantum Law of Gravity have an infinite amount of scientific explanatory power; whereas the second law of thermodynamics does not because the second law is stuck within the Light Cone and can’t get out.

Mark My Words



The Quantum Law of Gravity

Quantum Law of Gravity

Science desperately needed someone who was willing to think outside of the box or the Light Cone!  I redid or rethought Science from the ground up.  I like the results because now I can explain in scientific terms what everything is and how it works!

Quantum mechanics is obviously tachyonic!  It has NO physical limitations.  It has NO entropy, or NO gravity, or NO mass, or NO resistance to acceleration!  The materialists, naturalists, nihilists, and atheists deny the existence of tachyons and the tachyonic!

Everything in this universe is either a tardyon, a luxon, or a tachyon.  We have seen and felt tardyons and luxons.  So, where are the tachyons?  The tachyons have to exist, in order to make the Light Cone and enforce the continued existence of the Light Cone!  The Light Cone would be no different than anything else without the tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of energy, particles of spirit matter, or the quantum fields to make and enforce the Light Cone.

According to quantum mechanics and any decent Light Cone Chart, tachyons or psyches or intelligences can “turn on” and “turn off” mass, entropy, and gravity at will whenever they choose to do so.  This is the Grand Secret that our atheistic scientists have been trying to hide from us.  Tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons whenever they want to.  In other words, everything in this universe is made from tachyons by tachyons!  Since tachyons or particles of energy can transform themselves into luxons or tardyons at will, tachyons can travel at any speed that they desire.  Tachyons or particles of energy can even choose to stop traveling and stay localized in spacetime if they so desire.  Remember, tachyons, psyches, intelligences, particles of spirit matter, particles of energy, or the quantum fields can “turn on” and “turn off” their visibility, mass, entropy, or gravity at will whenever they want because they are alive!

Gravity is a mass-based system or a function of mass!  Gravity is a physical phenomenon.  Gravity is a physical limitation.  Gravity is tardyonic.  Gravity doesn’t really apply at the quantum level where everything is infinite or unlimited!

Out-of-body explorers and near-death experiencers have repeatedly observed that there is NO gravity or NO resistance to acceleration in the quantum realm or the spirit world.  In the transdimensional realms, they can levitate and fly at will, if they want to.  They can quantum tunnel at will.  Gravity or resistance to acceleration doesn’t apply.  Remember, according to the equations for gravity and heat and entropy, gravity goes to zero whenever mass, entropy, heat, thermodynamics, distance, time delays, or resistance to acceleration goes to zero!  Gravity goes to zero when the passage of time stops.  Gravity or resistance to acceleration is temporary and goes to zero whenever mass ends.  You can quantum tunnel anywhere in the universe instantaneously, after gravity or mass goes to zero.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, it is true!

The formula for gravity is F = G*((m sub 1*m sub 2)/r^2), or Fg = G(m1*m2) / d2, where F is the force of attraction between the two bodies, G is the universal gravitational constant, m sub 1 is the mass of the first object, m sub 2 is the mass of the second object and r is the distance between the centers of each object.  NO mass, then NO gravity.  NO physical body or NO entropic body, then NO gravity.  It’s that simple.  There is NO mass or NO resistance to acceleration at the quantum level, which means that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the transdimensional realms or the quantum realms.

This is really simple to understand!  The truth always is.  The Quantum Law of Gravity tells us that there is NO gravity at the quantum level in the quantum realms, tachyonic realms, or spirit world.  This is what we have actually experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.


The Quantum Law of Gravity and the Quantum Law of Thermodynamics are basically the same thing because thermodynamics and gravity are part of the same mass-based system.  NO mass, then NO entropy, NO thermodynamics, NO gravity, and NO resistance to acceleration.  Gravity and entropy are tardyonic, restricted, or limited.  It’s that simple.  ALL of these things cease to exist whenever mass, or resistance to acceleration, or distance, or time delays cease to exist.  This is what has actually been experienced and observed; therefore, WE KNOW that it is true.  It’s internally consistent and self-evident.

According to the Obvious Law of Physics, the smaller dwells within and controls the larger.  The tachyonic controls the tardyonic.  Spacetime, mass, entropy, gravity, resistance to acceleration, distance or space or a time delay, mass’s heat storage capacity (S = mc), and time itself are CONSTRUCTS or IMPOSITIONS, that are made out of the quantum fields or particles of energy or particles of spirit matter or “conserved quantum information” and enforced at a universal scale by the conserved quanta, intelligences, infinite singularities, tachyons, or quantized psyches within those particles of energy or particles of spirit matter.

In mathematics, zero and infinity are basically the same thing.  They are two sides of the same coin.  They are typically considered “undefined” or “non-existent”.  Should we ever try to explain gravity in terms of quantum mechanics, we naturally should be seeing lots of zeroes or lots of infinities, because gravity doesn’t exist in the quantum realm or the spirit world.  Interesting, is it not?  Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory are an attempt to explain Infinity, or Omnipresence, or the Unlimited in terms that we can understand.  From the perspective of a mortal and physical human being locked or trapped within spacetime, it can be hard to believe that the infinite or the omnipresent or the tachyonic exists.  Yet, quantum mechanics is tachyonic, or infinite, or unlimited.

Quantum Gravity is zero or infinite depending upon your perspective or your reference frame.

Mark My Words
